Rosehip Apricot Exfoliant

Rosehip Apricot Exfoliant

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Rosehip Apricot Exfoliant incorporates actual apricot kernels to remove dead skin cells, promote cell regeneration and reduce wrinkles and fine lines on your skin.

Ideal for Mild & Advanced Pigmentation & Anti-Aging

The exfoliation process prepares the skin to be receptive to healing masks, serums, and moisturisers for maximum absorption.

The Coffee and Charcoal Exfoliant and the Rosehip Apricot Exfoliant helps improve blood circulation, remove dead skin cells, prevent pre-mature ageing, soak up any excess oils and brighten the skin.

Ingredients: Apricot Kernels, Rosehipseed Oil, Geranium Oil, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Natural Cream Base

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